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Materjal tat-tagħlim

Jekk trid tkun taf dwar x’tagħmel l-UE, kif bdiet u kif taħdem, jew jekk trid tiddibatti l-politiki tal-UE f’aktar dettalji, se ssib ħafna ispirazzjoni hawnhekk.   

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Materjal tat-tagħlim

Qed jintwerew ir-riżultati 20 sa 23

Our Europe 1

An activity booklet where kids learning to read or not reading yet can play, colour, connect dots, and go through various labyrinths while learning ab...

Grupp ta’ età
Sa 9 snin

Our Europe 2

An activity booklet on a wide range of EU topics (Erasmus+, EURO , Ode to Joy, EU elections, enlargements, etc.) for primary school pupils. They can p...

Grupp ta’ età
Sa 9 sninEtà minn 9 snin sa 12-il sena
women's rights demonstration

Timeline: Women’s Rights in the EU

Equal rights in the EU have come a long way, but the Covid-19 pandemic could put them at risk. Watch our video for some of the milestones.

Grupp ta’ età
Ages 15 and over