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- Ages 15 and over
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This page contains visual material - slide presentations - illustrating various aspects of the EU.
These slides may be a useful tool for teachers, speakers on EU issues, students and anyone interested in giving a presentation about the EU.
They offer clear explanations on what the European Union is, what it does and how it works.
You may use the slides with no fees or copyright restrictions, and modify them at your own responsibility.

On the same topic

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This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU.

Whatever you’re looking for, there is something for you happening at the European Parliament - and everyone is invited.

Discover ‘Europa Quest’, the new quiz-based educational tool to enhance teamwork and communication while exploring EU institutions, history, decision-making, culture, and much more. Available in all EU languages, it's perfect for fostering shared learning!

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Would you like your pupils to learn the basics about the European Union, but feel the subject may be too complex for them? Let them meet Yooki the firefly and his animal friends!

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Якщо Вам від 15 до 18 років або Ви учитель середньої школи і хочете дізнатися про Європейський Союз і про те, що він робить для Вас, то ця публікація для Вас.

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Зберіть певні основні факти про ЄС: віддрукуйте та згорніть цей аркуш, щоб створити забавне оригамі, з яким залюбки бавляться діти!

What can a day in the life of people from different European countries look like?In these country-based short videos, discover what the EU does for yo...

What is the rule of law? What does it have to do with sports? How can art help to explain abstract concepts? Discover our series of 6 animations that will help you understand what the rule of law is about… while having fun! The animations are available in all EU languages.