- Age groups
- Up to 9 years
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15
- Topics
- Type of material
Explore new waters and learn all about the many activities happening at sea (for example fishing, enjoying the beach, sailing, making energy thanks to the sea and wind).
Did you know that all of them together create the European blue economy? At the end of the game, you will know everything about it!
While playing, try to find all clues on Felipe’s adventure. You will discover the secret word!
Download and print the game, you can play it at school or at home!

On the same topic

There is no time to waste as climate change is affecting, in one way or another, all of us.

- Highlighted
Will you have a healthy future? Select your avatar and go on a journey through a typical day to find out.

Cities contain a lot of biodiversity, it is important that we protect it because we need it for our quality of life, our clean air, our food and water...

The guide presents basic facts about the euro. It gives a short history of the euro, its reasons for coming into existence and the benefits it offers.

Challenge your friends to a game about biodiversity. You will learn some interesting things about nature and how to protect it along the way.

Take this quiz on climate issues and become a climate hero!

Try your hand at the climate action board game available in all EU languages!

The effects of climate change are already here, so we need to do much more to adapt to the consequences. The new EU Adaptation Strategy will help us g...