- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
- Topics
- Type of material
What do your students know about science? This quiz can help you present scientific topics in ten different areas. The students will also discover the European Commission's science and knowledge service. The quiz works on computers, tablets and smartphones and is available in six languages.
On the same topic
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This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU.
Whatever you’re looking for, there is something for you happening at the European Parliament - and everyone is invited.
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Would you like your pupils to learn the basics about the European Union, but feel the subject may be too complex for them? Let them meet Yooki the firefly and his animal friends!
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Will you have a healthy future? Select your avatar and go on a journey through a typical day to find out.
What can a day in the life of people from different European countries look like?In these country-based short videos, discover what the EU does for yo...
The educational tool 'Europe@school - Active lessons about the European Union' has been developed to bring the EU into the classroom.
This pedagogical kit aims to provide educators with practical guidance for the exhibition Art in Democracy.
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Discover how the 27 EU countries work together: teach, learn and play with the Council's civic education package