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Learning materials (158)
RSSEuropeana provides access to millions of images, texts, soundbites, videos and 3D material from thousands of European libraries, archives, museums, ga...
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over
Do you use statistics when you teach? Or are you a student wanting to understand more about statistics? Then the Education corner on Eurostat website is the right place for you!
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
Analysing data at regional level can highlight the differences and similarities across the EU or within countries. With this interactive publication you can explore a wide range of statistical indicators on the EU regions, such as population, health, education, environment, and compare your region w
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over
- Ages 12 to 15
This material is produced by the European Commission Representation in Berlin and is available in German
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
In these 30-45 seconds interviews, young students between 11 and 16 years old, give their views on climate change and tell about the actions they do i...
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
Every year, millions of tonnes of food are thrown away in the EU. You can do something about it - stop food waste!
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
Your private data is now protected, thanks to GDPR, the EU's new data privacy law.
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
Retailers must give shoppers the same access to goods and services wherever they are in the EU. Failing to do this is called 'geo-blocking' and is bei...
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
The Get-involved publication explains in a nutshell a variety of EU opportunities where young people, can be active, interact with peers and debate with politicians.
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over
Since 2017, EU citizens travelling to another Member State no longer have to pay roaming charges for calling, texting and surfing on their mobiles.
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
Play and learn online safety with Happy Onlife, a game to build and develop safety and knowledge on Internet use, overuse and abuse. Make it even a fu...
- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
Many reasons can bring individuals and groups into confrontation with each other. At the same time, there are things we cannot achieve without others....
- Age groups
- Up to 9 years
- Ages 9 to 12
Are you teaching about people who are forced to flee? Use this teaching toolkit to teach students about the efforts of the European Union (EU), UNHCR and UNICEF to help people who have been forced to flee in Africa.
- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15
The education team at the House of European History has developed these educational materials in conjunction with the narrative of the museum’s perman...
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over
There are large differences within Europe on how we live in terms of size, kind and quality of housing and whether we own or rent. The evolution of house prices and rents also varies significantly between countries.
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
In a misinformation-laden world, nurturing critical assessment skills is crucial. This toolkit equips educators to cultivate inquisitive minds for the digital era.
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over
How do you explain Europe to young kids? This educational colouring book could be a start. Colour the flags of the EU countries (with models), write d...
- Age groups
- Up to 9 years
This video helps children understand what inflation is through the impact it has on their pocket money and what they can buy with that.
- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
IdeasPowered@School provides a variety of ready-to-use educational materials in all EU languages on intellectual property for teachers and students of all ages and levels.
- Age groups
- Up to 9 years
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 15 and over
- Ages 12 to 15
Challenge your friends and family and get to know more about the different types of pollinators, their importance for humanity and their risk of extinction.
- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15