EU young translators' contest kicks off! - Европейский союз Перейти к основному контенту
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  • Сводка новостей
  • 11 сентябрь 2024
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 мин. чтения

EU young translators' contest kicks off!

A contest to reward the best young translators in the European Union


Secondary schools in all EU countries can now start enrolling for Juvenes Translatores, the European Commission's annual translation contest.

The competition will take place on line on 28 November. On the same day in all EU countries, school students will translate a text under the supervision of their teachers.

Schools can register online for their students to compete with peers around the EU. Registration in any of the EU's 24 official languages is open until 12.00 CET on 14 October 2024.

Register now

Who can take part?

Secondary school students born in 2007.


Each year since 2007, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation has run the Juvenes Translatores contest in schools across the European Union. The translation contest gives young people a taste of what it is like to be a translator, encourages them to learn foreign languages and may inspire some of them to become professional translators. Every year about 3,000 teenagers from nearly 700 secondary schools participate.

Juvenes translatores


Дата публикации
11 сентябрь 2024
Directorate-General for Communication
Age groups
  • Ages 15 and over
Type of content
  • Competition