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News and Competitions (158)

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Best wishes to all teachers – you play a key role in communicating the EU to young people!

Since Russia’s invasion, the EU stands united in its solidarity with Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine and its people. According to estimates, almost half of the refugees from Ukraine are school-ag

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Secondary schools in all EU countries can now start enrolling for Juvenes Translatores, the European Commission's annual translation contest.

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Since July 1st, it is Czechia’s turn to hold the presidency. The country has set 5 priorities that the EU should focus on for the months to come, under the slogan “Europe as a Task: Rethink, Rebuild, Repower”:

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Europe Day, held on 9 May every year, celebrates peace and unity in the European Union.

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False or misleading information spreads online as never before. It is increasingly necessary to find reliable tools to tackle this problem.

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Reception points for Ukrainian refugees in Poland
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On 24 February 2022, Europe woke up to harrowing news about Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

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Planning a trip to Brussels? Be sure to visit the interactive Experience Europe and discover all about the European Commission.

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Learning about the EU from an early age is crucial to make our children engaged and active EU citizens.

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2022 is the European Year of Youth! A perfect opportunity to highlight the European youth’s important role in shaping a greener, more inclusive and digital future.

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Every six months, a different EU Member State takes on the EU presidency. This means that it heads the Council of the European Union, organises the meetings of the leaders of the Member States, and indicates the areas in which it would like the EU to progress. France’s turn started on 1 January.

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In the age of digitalisation and technology, schools too have had to adapt and to change their teaching methods.

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image of the Europe Direct logo
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EUROPE DIRECT: a network of communication experts ready for people to MEET, ASK and DISCUSS the present and the future of the European Union.

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Are you between 16 and 18 years old and would you like to participate in a youth event where you can meet with other European students and discuss (in English) ways to combat disinformation?

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Free and open to everybody, Science is Wonderful! brings the world of science to primary and secondary schools all over Europe. Scientists from all di...

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EU Code Week is back from 9 to 24 October, offering students the possibility to make their first steps as digital creators, providing schools and teac...

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Europe is recovering from the biggest public health crisis in its history, which also led to an unprecedented economic slowdown. The coronavirus pande...

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