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- Ages 15 and over
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Dark clouds are gathering above the united Europe. It is not a weather phenomenon, but thousands of flying battle droids commanded by evil Monolith, villain dreaming of an iron fist rule. Our only hope is superheroes, known from childhood fairy tales and myths.

On the same topic

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This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU.

Whatever you’re looking for, there is something for you happening at the European Parliament - and everyone is invited.

Discover ‘Europa Quest’, the new quiz-based educational tool to enhance teamwork and communication while exploring EU institutions, history, decision-making, culture, and much more. Available in all EU languages, it's perfect for fostering shared learning!

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Would you like your pupils to learn the basics about the European Union, but feel the subject may be too complex for them? Let them meet Yooki the firefly and his animal friends!