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  • News announcement
  • 28 September 2021
  • 1 min read

#TheFutureisYours: Debate the Future of Europe now!

© European Union

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity for European citizens to debate Europe’s challenges and priorities. No matter where you are from or what you do, this is the place to think about what future you want for the European Union.

The European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their remit, on the ideas and proposals made.

As secondary school teachers, you can trigger key contributions from your students and give them a genuine experience of participatory democracy from the classroom. Get involved and speak up at the Conference through the multilingual digital Platform – the digital hub of the Conference.

Check the “Network with teachers” section of Learning Corner to find out how you can bring people-led democracy to your class and contribute to this pan-European discussion.



Publication date
28 September 2021


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