- Age groups
- Up to 9 years
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
- Topics
- Type of material
The rule of law is one of the EU’s fundamental values, essential for guaranteeing democracy and everybody’s rights and freedoms. Under the rule of law, all public powers always act within the constraints set out by law and under the control of independent and impartial courts. Ultimately, the rule of law is about fairness.
In our series of animations designed by the renowned artist Christoph Niemann, we show in simple and accessible terms why the rule of law matters in everyday life, using the metaphor of sports. Without a neutral arbiter, is a football game really fair? And would you engage in a pool or a basketball game if the rules changed halfway through?
Watch our six animations on the rule of law, share them with your friends and discuss them in class!

On the same topic

- Highlighted
This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU.
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over

Whatever you’re looking for, there is something for you happening at the European Parliament - and everyone is invited.
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over

Discover ‘Europa Quest’, the new quiz-based educational tool to enhance teamwork and communication while exploring EU institutions, history, decision-making, culture, and much more. Available in all EU languages, it's perfect for fostering shared learning!
- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over

- Highlighted
Would you like your pupils to learn the basics about the European Union, but feel the subject may be too complex for them? Let them meet Yooki the firefly and his animal friends!
- Age groups
- Up to 9 years

Created over 25 years ago, the single market simplifies the lives of European citizens and businesses by boosting growth and creating jobs.
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over

What can a day in the life of people from different European countries look like?In these country-based short videos, discover what the EU does for yo...
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over

The educational tool 'Europe@school - Active lessons about the European Union' has been developed to bring the EU into the classroom.
- Age groups
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over

This pedagogical kit aims to provide educators with practical guidance for the exhibition Art in Democracy.
- Age groups
- Ages 15 and over