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Statistics highlight differences and similarities across the EU or within countries, and their interactive visualisation can be a valuable resource for studies, work or classroom.
Explore a wide range of indicators in the European Union – population, health, education, environment, etc – with the series of interactive publications below, and play with the dynamic visualisations to compare your country’s situation to the EU or other countries! Each visualisation comes with a short explanatory texts, so you can understand even the most complex data.
This interactive publication provides an overview of economic, social, demographic and environmental developments across the EU at the regional level. It offers a range of interactive visualisations accompanied by short explanatory texts that allow you to compare your region with other regions in Europe.

This interactive publication shows what official European statistics can tell us about how the population is developing, ageing, and much more. This publication includes short texts and interactive visualisations that enable you to explore EU and country level data, and compare trends over several years. The publication is divided into 4 sections: population structure, population change, population diversity and marital status.

This publication focuses on housing across Europe, providing a detailed overview of this topic that plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Organised in 3 sections, “How we live”, “Housing cost” and “Construction”, the publication provides data on whether we live in a house or a flat and whether we own or rent, on the size and quality of housing and on the environmental impact. It also presents the evolution of house prices and rents since 2010, how the construction sector evolved since then and shows the most built-up areas in the EU. All data are presented through short texts and interactive visualisations which offer the possibility to compare your country with others.

This interactive publication provides an overview of migration and asylum in the EU countries. It is organised into different sections: population diversity, protection and asylum, irregular migration and returns, and skills of migrants. This publication includes short texts and interactive visualisations that enable you to explore data and compare countries.

Energy is key to our daily lives. This interactive publication helps to better understand the complex topic of energy, answering many questions in a very simple way.
The publication combines short texts presenting the main findings with interactive visualisations that allow you to compare European countries through different indicators.
It is organised into 3 sections: energy sources, energy consumption, and energy and the environment.

Digital technologies are transforming the world we live and work in. They touch many different aspects of our lives, from everyday tasks like making phone calls and shopping to how businesses and public services operate.
The interactive publication ‘Digitalisation in Europe’ provides easy to understand statistics on information and communication technologies and the way people and businesses use digital technologies.
It combines short texts presenting the main findings with interactive visualisations that allow you to compare EU countries through different indicators.