- Age groups
- Ages 9 to 12
- Ages 12 to 15
- Ages 15 and over
- Topics
- Type of material
Europa Quest is a quiz-based educational tool designed to help teachers, university professors and other education professionals to teach about the European Union while also encouraging teamwork and communication among participants, fostering a sense of community and shared learning. It features questions and answers on several topics around the EU, its institution, history, decision making, culture, and more (available in all EU languages).
It comes as a PDF manual with step-by-step guide and a supporting PowerPoint presentation that features the questions and answers, which can be projected during the activity (optional), as well as notes for the moderator.
It comes as a PDF manual with step-by-step guide and a supporting PowerPoint presentation that features the questions and answers, which can be projected during the activity (optional), as well as notes for the moderator.
Download Europa Quest below:
moderator’s manual (PDF)
interactive quiz – beginners for pupils aged 9 to 14 (PowerPoint)
interactive quiz – advanced for pupils aged 15 + (PowerPoint)