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News announcement1 January 20211 min read

Portugal in EU lead

© European Union


Every six months, a different EU Member State takes the lead in the EU. Practically, this means they head the Council of the European Union, organise the meetings of the leaders of the Member States, and indicate the areas in which they would like the EU to progress. On the 1st of January, it is Portugal’s turn. Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, the Portuguese presidency will push for:

  • a resilient Europe: helping Member States recover from the pandemic;
  • a stronger social Europe: fighting against poverty and unemployment;
  • a greener Europe: promoting the transition to climate neutrality;
  • a digital Europe: promoting the digital transition;
  • a stronger Europe in the world: strengthening international partnerships, for instance with the United States, India or Africa.

Discover more about Portugal in the game ‘The EU: What’s it all about?’ and in the brochure ‘The European Union: Facts and figures’

More info about the presidency of the Council of the EU:


Publication date
1 January 2021