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  • Новинна стаття
  • 11 Січень 2024
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 час читання

ImagineEU competition- You decide!

In October, we invited your students to take part in the ImagineEU competition and to think of ideas for a European Citizens’ Initiative. 


Teams of second level students from all over Europe created videos about what they suppose would make Europe an even better place to live.   

Now it is your turn to check out their ideas and vote for the most inspiring entries. You can choose more than one video! Help us decide which group will win a study trip to Brussels.

This competition focuses on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), a key tool of participatory democracy in the EU, allowing citizens to take an active part in EU decision making.

Schools could use the ‘EU Democracy in Action- Have your say with the European Citizens’ Initiative' toolkit to prepare for the competition. Available in all EU official languages, it includes four modules with educational videos and activities covering topics.

Voting remains open until January 28th.

Докладна інформація

Дата публікації
11 Січень 2024 (Останнє оновлення: 11 Січень 2024)
Directorate-General for Communication
Type of content
  • News