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Find out what European elections are about, when and how they take place and more.

Detailed information on the EU’s impact on the lives of individual citizens and local communities can be found on a multilingual website of the European Parliament’s Research Service.
In the European Union, democracy may seem obvious to us today. But this has not always been the case. Not so long ago, millions of Europeans lived through times when they could not vote or even speak up freely. When their very lives could be in danger simply for being different, for holding...
The purpose of this educational toolkit is to provide an easy access to educational resources that can help you explain to young people the benefits of the European Union, the role of the European Parliament and the importance of voting in the European elections. is a project run by the European Parliament, dedicated to getting as many people as possible involved in the democratic life of Europe and, in particular, to getting out the vote for the European elections in 2024.
  • News announcement

Your Europe, Your Say is back again with a special focus on the European elections. This time people aged 18-25 and about to vote in European elections for the first or second time next year are invited to apply.

  • 1 min read