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Energy accounts for 75% of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why we are transforming how we produce and use power. But how will we do that? Explore the different parts of the interactive infographics to see how the European Union will meet its energy and climate targets!
The Renovation Wave is underway in the European Union! It aims to double annual energy renovation rates of buildings within the next 10 years. These renovations will reduce emissions, create green jobs, boost our quality of life and deliver energy savings!
Energy efficiency and savings are at the heart of Europe’s ambitious strategy to achieve a more secure, more sustainable energy supply and reach our goal of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
Amid the climate and energy crises, it is more important than ever that we save energy. With the REPowerEU initiative, the European Union targets a reduction of energy consumption of at least 13%* in 2030 compared to 2020.
(*in negotiation with the European Parliament and the European Council.)
Energy has been a driving force for Europe’s integration since the end of the Second World War. With the historic creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, six European countries built a common market for coal and steel to support and modernise these industries. Now, as the world faces an energy crisis amid a climate emergency, the way we produce and use energy matters more than ever.
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Níl aon am le cur amú. Tá an t-athrú aeráide ag dul i bhfeidhm orainn go léir ar bhealach amháin nó ar bhealach eile cheana féin.
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