Mur għall-kontenut ewlieni
Learning corner

Materjali għall-skola sekondarja

If you want to know about what the EU does, how it all started and how it works, or if you want to debate EU policies more in details, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here.    

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Materjali għall-skola sekondarja

Qed jintwerew ir-riżultati 20 sa 40

Esplora, iġbor u oħloq il-mappa tal-baħar tiegħek. Tgħallem aktar dwar l-ibħra u l-kosti Ewropej, l-ambjent tagħhom, l-attivitajiet umani relatati u l...

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

The issue of migration is a hot topic in today’s Europe, but why? A mass global movement of humanity is taking place, as is evidenced by phenomena ran...

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

Meet Ally the Alien who will help you discover lots of interesting facts about the countries of the EU, such as which language is spoken where, what t...

Grupp ta’ età
  • Sa 9 snin
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
Young participants playing the simulation game

Step into the shoes of national ministers for a role-playing game: present the position of your country and negotiate with the other EU countries.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Ages 15 and over

Do you want to know more about data protection and privacy risks? Discover it all with the Cyber Chronix game, story and quiz.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

Materjal edukattiv żviluppat flimkien man-narrattiva tal-wirja permanenti tad-Dar tal-Istorja Ewropea. Tista’ tesplora fil-klassi jew f’darek xi wħud ...

Grupp ta’ età
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

This content, produced by the European Commission Representation in France, is available in French

Grupp ta’ età
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

L-istatistika demografika hi fost l-aktar <em>data</em> popolari li jipproduċi l-Eurostat, u hi importanti għal kważi kull qasam ta’ politika. Din il-pubblikazzjoni interattiva turi x’tista’ tgħidilna l-istatistika uffiċjali Ewropea dwar kif il-popolazzjoni qed tiżviluppa, tixjieħ, u ħafna aktar.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena
pictograms about education and statistics

Tuża l-istatistika meta tgħallem? Jew int student li tixtieq tifhem aktar dwar l-istatistika? Mela r-rokna tal-Edukazzjoni fuq is-sit web tal-Eurostat hi l-post it-tajjeb għalik!

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena
Four European youngsters, two girls and two boys, depicted on a tandem bike with, while holding an EU flag

Aħna ġejjin minn pajjiżi differenti u nitkellmu ilsna differenti, iżda l-kontinent Ewropew huwa darna lkoll.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena

Erba' studenti Ewropej jiddeskrivu l-esperjenzi tagħhom f’Tortona, l-Italja, meta kienu fuq “Skambju taż-Żgħażagħ”, programm ta’ Erasmus+.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

L-Unjoni Ewropea f’60 sekonda.

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena

Is-sit web Europeana jipprovdi aċċess għal miljuni ta’ immaġnijiet, testi, soundbites, filmati u materjal 3D minn eluf ta’ libreriji, arkivji, mużewij...

Grupp ta’ età
  • 'Il fuq minn 15-il sena
Fabulous Council cover

This material is produced by the European Commission Representation in Berlin and is available in German

Grupp ta’ età
  • Ages 12 to 15

In these 30-45 seconds interviews, young students between 11 and 16 years old, give their views on climate change and tell about the actions they do i...

Grupp ta’ età
  • Età minn 12-il sena sa 15-il sena