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Meet Helena, Klaus, Kasia, Enzo and Marion – our “DIGITAL EXPLORERS” on a fieldtrip across Europe to see how digitalisation is coming along.
Digital opens a world of possibilities: do not miss your chance to learn about some of the most exciting topics including artificial intelligence, data or supercomputers, and find out how they are all shaping Europe’s digital future – YOUR future.
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Explorează alături de noi DestinE, inițiativa îndrăzneață a Comisiei Europene de a cartografia viitorul planetei noastre cu ajutorul unui geamăn digital al Pământului. Imaginează-ți un model super-inteligent care ne arată cum interacționează activitățile umane și natura, ajutându-ne să luăm decizii mai bune pentru mediul nostru. Datorită finanțării din partea Programului Europa digitală și a celor mai noi tehnologii, cum ar fi supercomputerele, inteligența artificială și internetul rapid, DestinE permite liderilor locali să testeze scenarii de tip „ce s-ar întâmpla dacă”. Este ca și cum am arunca o privire în viitor pentru a vedea ce consecințe ar avea alegerile noastre, ajutându-ne să ne protejăm mai eficient planeta.
Pe scurt? Fără număr! Lumile virtuale au potențialul de a revoluționa modul în care lucrăm, învățăm, comunicăm și nu numai! Însoțește-i pe exploratorii noștri digitali pentru a afla mai multe despre inițiativa referitoare la #VirtualWorldsEU.
Rețeaua de centre europene de inovare digitală promovează transformarea digitală, oferind în același timp orientări, expertiză și sprijin întreprinderilor solicitante din toată Europa. Centrele conectează organizații și instituții pentru a dezvolta produse mai bune, pentru a perfecționa procese și pentru a îmbunătăți serviciile datorită tehnologiei. Vrei să știi mai multe pe acest subiect? Însoțește-i pe exploratorii noștri digitali în aventurile lor TECH-tastice alături de supereroul EDDY! Pe parcurs, află cum adoptă Uniunea Europeană revoluția digitală.
Chips, or semiconductors, are the building blocks of all modern electronics. Cars, phones, gaming consoles and many other household items all rely on these tiny chips. Watch this episode to learn why chips have been scarce in recent years. Our DIGITAL EXPLORERS will explain what the EU is doing to ensure that supplies do not run out again.
Today’s kids learn how to ‘swipe’ before they can read or write. They can definitely teach adults a thing or two about how to behave online! Nonetheless, it’s a challenge keeping the internet safe and fun to explore for young users. This episode explores how the EU aims to make it easier for children to stay safe online.
How can Europe best embrace new digital technologies fairly and responsibly? The European Commission has proposed a common set of digital rights and principles for Europe to champion a sustainable, human-centric digital transformation shaped by European values. This DIGITAL EXPLORERS episode guides you through the six key themes of the digital principles and explains their importance.
How does the EU plan to shape our digital future? Several targets have been put in place to guide us! Skills, infrastructure, public services and businesses all have an important role to play. In this episode of the DIGITAL EXPLORERS, players enjoy a boardgame that puts them in charge of the digital transition. Like EU countries, they must work together to keep Europe on track. Want to play?
We live in a world of constant information sharing. Stop and think about how often you share personal data online, with friends, public services, retailers, and others. How can you be sure that all this information is stored safely and securely? Watch this episode of DIGITAL EXPLORERS to see how the technology known as ‘blockchain’ makes it possible to protect your privacy, so you stay safe online.
What does it mean for a country to be among the global leaders in digitalisation? How can we measure digitalisation? What is connectivity, human capital or digital public services? Watch this episode and become a master of those concepts so you can be a “DIGITAL EXPLORER” in your own country.
Have you ever experienced a connection problem? Have you ever used a free Wi-Fi hot spot? Have you heard about 5G? This episode will explain why it is important that we are all connected and how to make it better.
What is cyber awareness? What risks are we facing online? How aware are we of online threats and how to manage them? Our DIGITAL EXPLORERS will equip you with a few super powers as we all need to sharpen our cyber skills to stay safe. You will discover how kindness, wisdom, social skills, magic key, reverse gear and strength all play a special role online. And from now on, you will always remember to Think Before U Click!
Did you know you can scroll, share, text and call anywhere in the EU - at no extra price?! Fearing high phone bills is a worry of the past. Since 2017, you can travel through the EU & stay in touch with family and friends. Check out how our digital explorers are making the best of 'Roam like at home' perks on their adventures across the EU!
Did you know that data is everywhere? Not only that: it is also changing the way things work. Watch this episode of DIGITAL EXPLORERS to find out how data travels across the European Union and how it can improve our lives.
Did you know that even though you cannot see it, the amount of all data gathered in this world will grow to 175 zettabytes in 2025, which is enough to make the journey to the moon and back 5 times? Watch this episode of DIGITAL EXPLORERS to understand supercomputers and start thinking big, SUPER big.
Have you ever seen a robot? Did you know that your smartphone also uses artificial intelligence? Watch this episode of DIGITAL EXPLORERS to learn how to ensure that you can trust AI, which serves us – people, and respects our values.
Quantum technology isn’t just for physics friends! Let our DIGITAL EXPLORERS take you on a fascinating journey in understanding what it means and how it impacts our daily lives here in Europe. Plus, if you’ve heard of the thought experiment ‘Schrödinger’s cat’, you’re in for a treat with our visual explainer.
Paperwork? A thing of the past! Did you know the new European Digital Identity can safely simplify the way we share important certificates, report an address change, prove our age or even fill in our tax return? Our DIGITAL EXPLORERS give you a step by step explainer of the many benefits – all of them only a few clicks away.
“One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” – over five decades since this huge milestone in space exploration, we now know so much more about what surrounds us thanks to innovative technology. Our DIGITAL EXPLORERS take a closer look at European space infrastructure (does Copernicus ring a bell?) and the advantages it brings to humankind and the curious mind.
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