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  • News announcement
  • 30 November 2022
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

School buses for Ukrainian children

Education is a cornerstone of our future. It is estimated that in Ukraine 5.7 million school-aged children in Ukraine have been impacted by Russia’s unjustified aggression, and thousands of schools and facilities have been damaged. 

©Janne Savon, 2022

Education is a cornerstone of our future. It is estimated that in Ukraine 5.7 million school-aged children have been impacted by Russia’s unjustified aggression, and thousands of schools and facilities have been damaged. For them, safe access to school is paramount, as it gives them a sense of normalcy and is essential for their welfare and future.

Despite the destruction and sacrifices, Ukrainians are looking to the future with confidence and hope. And this future starts with making sure that schools are open and that children can go to school. Because many schools have been damaged, many children now need to travel significant distances to schools far away from their homes.

To help make this possible, the European  Commission is calling on public and private entities in the EU and beyond to join forces and show solidarity, by donating buses that are essential to bring Ukrainian children safely back to school.

Do you know a public entity or a private company that would be able to donate a bus? Invite them to follow the link and see how they can help!


Publication date
30 November 2022
Directorate-General for Communication